Human Trafficking

Section 787.06(2)(d), Florida Statutes, defines human trafficking as “transporting, soliciting, recruiting, harboring, providing, enticing, maintaining, or obtaining another person for the purpose of exploitation of that person.” The Office of the State Courts Administrator has developed the following human trafficking overview regarding human trafficking in Florida.

The Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking

This nonprofit organization was created by the Florida Legislature to provide funding, support and assistance to the statewide effort to end human trafficking. They have designed a one-hour online course that is free and focuses on detecting human trafficking, best practices for reporting human trafficking, and the interventions and treatment for survivors of human trafficking.

Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking Training


The training course focuses on detecting human trafficking, best practices for reporting human trafficking, and the interventions and treatment for survivors of human trafficking.

Course Title: Human Trafficking – Identification, Reporting and Interventions eligible for 1.5 General CLE Credits: attorneys can contact the Florida Bar with Course Reference Number: 2206527N


Last Modified: November 18, 2024